FIOD 2022

International Congress

Fecal incontinence and obstructed defecation


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Fecal incontinence and obstructed defecation represent the most frequent and distressing disorders of defecation. Their impact on the patient's quality of life is so significant that it requires a great deal of effort from specialists. Moreover, frequently these disfunctions are associated also to others affecting the adjacent pelvic organs, configuring a syndromic affliction.

Consequently, from diagnosis to therapy, a multidisciplinary approach is necessary, first to elucidate all pathophysiologic aspects, then to adopt the most rational and conceptually effective approach for the cure. A panel of diagnostic tools could be necessary, and indication for which of them should be used in the different conditions is still debated. 

Management of fecal incontinence is conditioned by the availability of several therapeutic options: sometimes the costs of devices needed to treat patients are regarded as a significant limitation, leading to a difficult access for them to the cure. When adequately managed, fecal incontinence can be improved and, not infrequently, fully resolved, with a great impact on the patient’s quality of life. However, correct indications and an integration of approaches are still subjects of a passionate debate. 

Also concerning the obstructed defecation, rectal prolapse and – in general – pelvic organs prolapse, in the last decades the therapeutic workup has been continuously modified, thank to the contribution of innovative techniques of treatment, new technologies and a multidisciplinary approach. So, the variety of available therapeutic options allows now to design a integrated approach using dietetic, behavioral, rehabilitative, and – if necessary – surgical interventions. However, also for this clinical condition, there is still a lack of definitive evidences about the most adequate therapeutic modality(ies) to manage a number of patients, claiming for continuing the scientific investigation.

Finally, a special and challenging condition can be represented by the condition of fecal incontinence coexisting with internal or external rectal prolapse. It seems well known in terms of pathophysiology but, unfortunately, to date a misdiagnosis could occur leading, consequently, to an incorrect therapeutic approach. 

This International Congress is aimed to offer a fruitful opportunity to deeply discuss all these topics on the base of the updated review of the available scientific evidences provided by a panel of prominent excellences. Efforts in the Congress organization will make possible to establish a worldwide connection between different Countries all over the world despite the possibility to participate in person or attend through the telematic connection.

Moreover, completeness in treating all topics related to fecal incontinence and obstructed defecation will be ensured by the “pills” (brief sessions concerning specific insights and surgical video-clips) available since before the and along the Congress and, then, after its conclusion. Finally, the pre-Congress Courses will represent the opportunity for a specific and expert training in real hot-topics.